Logistics Planning Blogs - LPC International

How A Modern Warehouse Redesign Can Boost You Profits And Facilitate Your Growth Plans

Posted by Jason Tindley on 21-Sep-2020 11:41:00

How A Modern Warehouse Redesign Can Boost You Profits And Facilitate Your Growth Plans

Effective supply chain management helps to deliver streamlined product flow, healthy relationships with suppliers, and excellent customer service. According to Deloitte, 79% of businesses with supply chains that perform highly enjoy better than average revenue growth, and the role of a modern, well-designed warehouse within the supply chain should not be underestimated.

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Flexibility, efficiency and accessibility are central pillars of effective warehouse management, so redesigning warehouses to accommodate the latest technology can increase profits and support business growth.

Rapid Access To Goods To Improve Shipping Times

Poor warehouse organisation means that it takes more time to pick stock and prepare it for shipping. Today’s consumers are driven by rapid order-to-delivery times that have become the norm, so warehouse management that facilitates effective flow decreases the time taken to pick stock. With modern warehouses utilising every inch of available space, using specialist vehicles to access difficult-to-reach places, complex inventory management systems can ensure the location of stock is identified instantly, reducing mispicks, and double handling. Costly mistakes are eradicated, and shipping times are optimised, increasing customer satisfaction and promoting repeat trade.

Organisation That Prepares For Future Growth

Modern warehouse design should consider how the space will be utilised in the future, not just in the here and now. As businesses grow, their inventory will also expand in response to increased consumer demand for current and new product lines, but a warehouse that is already filled to capacity is unable to provide the storage required. Effective long-term planning should inform warehouse design, not just to plan for increased capacity, but also for additional loading docks and machinery, and upgraded technology. Clients frequently expect cutting edge warehouse management systems, with the capacity for future business growth a central concern.

At The Forefront Of Technology

With some leading UK grocery and household goods retailers famously employing robots to improve stock picking times and accuracy, technology is playing an increasing role in improving warehouse management and supporting business growth. With artificial intelligence and robotic technology growing rapidly, modern warehouses should be designed to incorporate new technologies, and the most accurate stock management strategies. Only by keep abreast of emerging developments can warehouse managers ensure their businesses remain competitive.

How To Design And Run An Efficient Warehouse

As specialists in providing expert advice and management of warehouses, at LPC International we provide effective warehouse design solutions to enable your business to remain at the cutting edge of the marketplace. To download our free Warehouse Productivity Guide, which provides advice on how to expand, optimise and improve your warehouse and logistics, please click here.

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Topics: Warehouse Productivity