Logistics Planning Blogs - LPC International

Should You Adopt Mobile Printing For Your Warehouse?

Posted by Jason Tindley


Warehousing and logistics businesses are increasingly under pressure to reduce overheads and streamline operations to remain profitable. If you’re fighting this uphill battle, consider the use of mobile printers. They may be just what you need to improve margins, by streamlining labelling and distribution operations in your organisation.

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Increasing Operational Pressures

E-commerce businesses continue to develop their share of the retail shopping market, and consumers increasingly expect free or low cost shipping with fast delivery times. Margins are being squeezed ever tighter in these situations, and the greater volume of small, one-off and varied packages to be labelled and shipped puts additional strains on already overstretched systems.

Save On The Shoe Leather

Depending on the size of your warehouse facility, you probably have from one, to any number of labelling stations. Every time a staff member has to walk from the shelves, pallet or cage to collect a new batch of labels means lost production. If fact a time and motion study recently carried out in the United States resulted in a batch of packages being labelled over 40% faster using mobile label printing, when compared to trips back and forth to labelling workstations.


Smoother Cross Docking Operations

With distribution and delivery times being so critical, inbound freight is logged in on mini wireless computers/tablets. With all the cross doc details logged into the system, mobile printers are then used to print RFID or barcode shipping labels, streamlining and speeding up the receiving/shipping operation.

Reduce Errors And Wasted Time

Constant trips to labelling stations not only reduces productivity, but reduces concentration. With distractions from other employees more likely the farther an employee has to walk, the greater the risk of mistakes and errors. The wrong batch of labels may be collected, or wrongly printed labels attached to goods. Wireless mobile printers are available in a number of shapes, styles and sizes and can clip onto cages or shelfs while the labels are generated.


It Is All Pros When It Comes To Mobile Printers

There are no cons when it comes to using wireless mobile printers. They will help reduce operating costs and offer a fast return on investment. They help minimise labelling errors and misidentification of packages. They improve cross docking and receiving times. They can make picking and put-away tasks easier. They can merge with different communication interfaces and come in a variety of designs, different media options, connectivity, and mounting options. They are now used by thousands of retail and logistics businesses around the world to improve warehouse productivity and profitability.

Find Out More

More information about improving warehouse productivity can be found in your free Warehouse Productivity Guide.

Image source: Pixabay

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