Logistics Planning Blogs - LPC International

5 Essential Features To Look For In a WMS Platform

Posted by Jason Tindley on 21-Jul-2021 13:46:00

5 Essential Features To Look For In a WMS Platform

Today’s warehouse management systems (WMS) can perform a wide array of functions to boost efficiency and profitability. However, when selecting a WMS, it’s crucial to choose one that will perform the tasks you need it to and have features you’re going to use.

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While WMS platforms vary widely in their scope and features, these are the five’ foundations’ you should be looking for.

1) Integration With Other Software

There’s no point in choosing a WMS that can’t be integrated with your existing systems, as you won’t be able to use it effectively. Using incompatible systems could make your processes more complicated, costing your company time and money. As a bare minimum, make sure that any WMS can be interfaced with your Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) and any mission-critical software.

2) The Ability To Operate In Real-Time

Customers now expect companies to operate at breath-taking speed and provide them with regular progress updates. Therefore, it’s essential that your WMS can receive and issue real-time updates and that you can access up to the minute information 24 hours a day. This will enable you to keep track of your operations and inventory.

3) Mobile Accessibility

You may need to access information about your warehouse operations out of regular office hours or while you’re on the move. Therefore, you should be able to access your WMS remotely, securely, and on a wide range of devices. Many leading WMS platforms can be accessed via apps on smartphones, tablets, or laptops, so look for this type of functionality.

4) Scalability And Flexibility

When you buy a WMS, you’ll be making a significant investment, so it must stand the test of time. That means that you need to consider how your business might develop as well as its current needs and growth. For example, do you want to fully automate your business in future? If so, you’ll need to ensure that you can use your WMS with automation software and equipment.

5) Tools To Suit Your Sector And Business

Ensure that your WMS meets the requirements or your industry – including compliance and best practices – and fits in well with your business model. Identify your primary requirements, whether that’s superb picking options, excellent returns management tools, a wide array of inventory management functions, or accurate forecasting capability, and bear them in mind while shopping for a WMS. That way, you’ll be able to implement a WMS solution efficiently without making too many workarounds or modifications.

What Next?

If you’re in the market for a WMS and would like to know more about what to look for, download our free The Warehouse Management System Guide. Our consultants are also ready to help if you need advice on bespoke software developments or choosing between vendors. Call today to find out more.

Warehouse Management Systems Guide

Image source: Unsplash

Topics: Warehouse Management System, Warehouse Automation