Logistics Planning Blogs - LPC International

What Does A Logistics Consultant Do?

Posted by Jason Tindley on 06-Mar-2018 17:08:43

What Does A Logistics Consultant Do.jpg

In a nutshell, a Logistics Consultant will identify, where they exist, ways for you to improve the efficiency of your existing distribution network and operation, boost productivity and help save on staffing and resource costs.

As Logistics Consultants we are also commissioned at the design stage of a new operation, an expansion or a consolidation to advise on:

  • New or re-engineered facilities
  • Logistics networks and transport strategy
  • Materials handling and WMS

Supply chain operation is a wide field with many branches into specialist disciplines. This is where an experienced team brings a wealth of knowledge and real life experience to the table. Knowing what works, and more importantly what did not work, is the initial shortcut to identifying appropriate solutions.

Our service can be broken down broadly into 5 areas of your operation:

Transport Strategy and Planning

  • Network design and optimisation
  • Vehicle choice and integration with warehousing
  • Transport choices and outsourcing options

Warehouse Design and Planning 

  • Distribution Facility design – new build
  • Warehouse and logistics optimisation and re-engineering
  • Warehouse storage systems
  • Logistics IT systems, processes and WMS

Materials Handling

Supply Chain Design, Planning and Optimisation

  • Network design, planning and optimisation – Transport strategy and plan
  • Warehouse inventory management & optimisation
  • Planning and guidance for outsourcing

Specialist Warehouse and Logistics Support For SMEs

  • Warehouse and logistics project management support
  • Logistics executives: recruitment search and selection
  • Expert witness and logistics dispute resolution

Every one of the areas listed above is a potential candidate for our investigation and assessment with a view to making recommendations that are designed to improve efficiency and increase productivity.

Our approach has been described in numerous Case Studies, which are well worth reading if only to obtain a flavour of how we operate, the variety of scenarios we have investigated and the type of solutions we have recommended.

You also find a list there of “Case Studies By Type” listed in order of the most frequently delivered consultancy service:

  1. New Facility Design
  2. Facility Re-Engineering
  3. Network Strategy Review
  4. Distribution Modelling
  5. DC Validation
  6. Project Support
  7. Strategic Distribution Study
  8. 3PL Review
  9. Master Planning
  10. Network Strategy

Some of the case studies make fascinating reading even for the non-logistics person, and provide an insight into the thought process behind the solutions we recommended.

Why Do Companies Engage Logistics Consultants?

One aspect is that professional logistics consultants perform quite a different role to logistics managers and they bring a different skill set to the table. Good logistics consultants will typically have some sound operational experience and also possess a high level of analytical capability. This needs to be allied to an ability to distil the key findings from their analysis, and to effectively communicate and justify those recommendations.

We are frequently asked to consult for issues such as these:

  • How can we reduce our transport costs?
  • What must we do to make our operations more efficient and productive?
  • Having acquired another company, we need to develop a new combined network strategy
  • How can we adapt our logistics to match our rapid and continuous growth?
  • What equipment do we need in our warehouse and how should it be integrated?

Professional logistics consultants are resolving issues like these all the time while logistics managers are only faced with them occasionally. Experienced consultants like us have seen them before and know how others (both in your industry and various other industries) have resolved them. We are aware of what worked and what did not work, and why.

We can help regardless of whether you need specific advice or expertise, need to temporarily bolster your internal resources, or are faced with a complex issue or some urgent requirement. Take the first step today and contact us for a no obligation informal chat to discuss your own particular requirements.

As a free resource, we are offering a Warehouse Productivity Guide that you can download from our website by clicking here.

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