Logistics Planning Blogs - LPC International

Warehouse Automation

Posted by Jason Tindley

warehouse automation

Interest in warehouse automation has never been higher.  Whether your interest is driven by general industry trends or specific requirements the capability of automated equipment and solutions has also developed over the years.

There are available many different types of automated solutions, including:

  • Goods to man systems to drive up productivity and address labour shortages. 
  • Packing and fulfilment systems to provide support to growing B2C operations and e-com.
  • Automated storage and retrieval systems to provide dense storage solutions to provide greater storage capacity to address supply chain issues. 
  • Shuttle systems and automated guided vehicles and mobile robots to reduce the manual input required in moving product around your facility

The scope and size of automated systems on the market ranges from simple standalone cells to full integrated facility wide systems.  It is possible to take a modular approach addressing particular needs or phasing the installation to allow the operation to be maintained while moving the technology employed forward from operations dependent on labour availability or extended supply chains to a more resilient, productive facility.

LPC has extensive experience in developing concept designs and solutions for a wide range of business sectors and industries from conventional through semi-automated to fully automated.  We have written an e-book on Automation covering the types and choices available. Please click link for to download

Is Warehouse Automation For You? LONG CTA


Topics: Warehouse Automation