Logistics Planning Blogs - LPC International

How To Adapt Your Warehouse To Cope With Increased Consumer Demand

Posted by Jason Tindley on 05-Oct-2021 12:29:00


While the coronavirus pandemic has harmed some sectors, such as the travel and hospitality industries, many online retailers and companies selling essential goods have experienced a dramatic increase in sales during 2020.

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With Christmas looming and significant Covid-related restrictions still in place throughout the UK, experts predict that large numbers of consumers will do their festive and post-Christmas sales shopping virtually instead of on the High Street. How can warehouse managers ensure that they are prepared?

1) Organise Your Warehouse Optimally

You'll be able to cope with a sudden influx in work far more efficiently if your warehouse is appropriately organised. Ensure that you're making the most of every inch of storage space you have, that fast-moving goods are easily accessible, and that you don't have dead stock cluttering your shelves. In the long-term, consider investing in an automated storage and retrieval system (AS/RS). This will save time and money picking goods so you can handle future fluctuations in demand.

2) Make The Most Of New Technology

There are a host of high-tech solutions that can help increase productivity within your warehouse to cope with extra orders without the need for additional staff. You can utilise robots or automated guided vehicles (AGVs) to unload or move goods, for example, or equip your team with wearable barcode scanners to boost their efficiency. Harnessing the power of technology throughout your supply chain will also make life easier for your warehouse operatives during busy times. For example, enabling customers to track their goods in transit could reduce the number of missed deliveries, so you won't have to deal with as many returns.

3) Make Full Use Of Your Warehouse Management System (WMS)

If you have a WMS, this is when it should come into its own. While different systems have different features, most platforms enable you to manage your inventory, replenish your stock automatically, and automate many of your administrative tasks. Using your WMS to its full extent will streamline your processes, so taking on additional work won't be as challenging. If you don't have a WMS or one with limited functionality, it may be worth investing in one if you want your business to grow.

Next Steps

You'll find more information about the benefits of using a WMS and advice on finding one in our Warehouse Management Guide. Download this guide free of charge today by clicking here.

Warehouse Management Systems Guide


Image Source: Unsplash

Topics: Warehouse Management System