Logistics Planning Blogs - LPC International

SAB - Blueprinting Facility Design - New Facility Design

Posted by Jason Tindley on 07-Mar-2017 16:27:12
 SAB Blueprinting Facility Design
In order to meet increasing demand, SAB will require additional depot and warehousing capacity, and as such, SAB intended to commence building new sites while extending existing sites in the short term and expected to continue that roleout into the foreseeable future.
In order to optimise the designs of the new facilities, SAB engaged LPC to develop a Blueprint for depot and warehousing design.
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The Blueprint designs take into account and makes provision for the distinct nature and characteristics of the Beer and Soft Drinks operations respectively, whilst also considering a combined beer and soft drinks generic design.
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The Blueprint, in its design, is scaleable to all small, medium and large depots across the independent beers and soft drinks businesses as well as in a combined model. The Blueprint design took into account the separate working processes of the Beer and Soft drinks businesses and in addition to the Blueprint design was supported by the generation, by LPC, of an in house designed dynamic model that allows SAB to input key logistical data to derive the storage requirement, distribution elements and ancillary activity areas sizing, both internally to the warehouse and for the external site planning. Whilst it was very important to develop a full understanding of the overall business and distribution strategy, it was as important to benchmark local and global best practices against the SAB current operations.
These learnings from LPC gained over twenty years working in this business sector not only enabled LPC to provide value enhancement into existing depots but offer proposals and new opportunities into the businesses through the Blueprint design.
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The generic Blueprint design and supporting model will also allow SAB to conduct site searches based on these outputs for suitable sites in terms of site area and site dimensional characteristics. To support the Blueprint design, generic detailed building specifications were written stating the SAB performance requirements of the building structure and mechanical handling equipment that would not only define the scope and performance standards required of the building contractor but also provide the basis of the procurement requirements for the fit out of the facility.
LPC were retained by SAB to provide expert input into the design of a site specific operational design and for continuing logistical support during the construction and implementation of the site.
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