Logistics Planning Blogs - LPC International

Nevilles UK – WMS

Posted by Jason Tindley on 28-Nov-2017 16:34:16

Nevilles UK – WMS.png

Project Overview

Having previously supported Nevilles UK in determining a suitable site for their Customer Fulfilment Centre, LPC were retained to identify and help with the implementation of a WMS system to work with their host system SAP Business One that was currently providing basic warehouse functions.

Having determined the layout for the Pick and Pack operation a functionality matrix was constructed identifying over 180 functional elements. These varied from essential elements, rated as “A” via “B”, those that are operationally beneficial through “C”, nice to have, to “D” not needed. The latter were included so as to potentially discount potential modules that may be offered.

Known suppliers were then approached to ascertain their willingness to take part in the tendering process, that included six suppliers which LPC recognised as suppliers potentially providing the correct level of functionality and as agreed with Nevilles UK plus an additional two suppliers put forward by Nevilles UK.

An RFQ was then issued to the eight system suppliers to identify whether they provided as standard the functions shown in the issued Functionality Matrix, whether they could provide any with development or if they would not be able to provide them at all.

They were also asked to provide the:

  • Costs for the system as an initial 1st year cost (licences etc.).
  • Budget costs for the hardware.
  • Ongoing annual maintenance costs.
  • Levels of support and geographical location (16/5, 24/5, 24/7 etc.).
  • Suppliers experience especially with interfacing to SAP B1.
  • Outline program if selected.

Requested budget costs in the responses were for purchased and leased systems that were server based and also “Cloud” based if applicable.

In comparing the responses the following was included:

  • Implementation costs were summarised as year 1 and year 2 and overall 5 year costs.
  • Scoring of the functionality provided.
  • Ability to provide the correct levels of support.
  • SAP B 1 interfacing experience or ability to interface.
  • Implementation plan within the program.

A short list of three suppliers was chosen who were given the chance to present their systems, costs and program to Nevilles UK and LPC.

This list was then reduced to two suppliers to come back with a more refined offer and the choice was then made as to who Nevilles UK would progress with.

LPC then supported Nevilles through the Scoping / Functional design process and provided the supplier with product location data and identification of product to initial pick locations for the system to be set up for testing and then go live.

Warehouse Management Systems Guide

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